Sunday, September 5, 2010

Protect the Youth

For centuries parents have been trying to formulate schemes and ways allowing them to influence or sneak vegetables into their children’s diet. Many companies have tried, mothers have pleaded, fathers have forced them to eat veggies, and yet the trend of vegetables being delicious to children has only been adopted by a few. Chef Boyardee has a cute new line of commercials to promote their product which now obtains a full serving of vegetables in every can. The one I’m referring to in this blog is one of a little boy, who looks to be in a pre-teen stage of age, shopping at a store with his mom. He tries a sample of Chef Boyardee, as the lady who is giving out the sample is trying to sell the product and inform the mother and son about the upgrades, the boys mother keeps interrupting the lady just before she can utter the word vegetables.

This is a great commercial targeted to parents of children around. The advertisement uses a great approach in the advertisement. It makes the mind frame of I can have my child eat healthy vegetables in a meal that they already enjoy, without them even noticing they are in there. I found it funny at the same time because the mother went as far as knocking over the ladies display to avoid the truth, as well as other rude gestures. Chef Boyardee did a good job blending both comedy and the appeal to secrecy together. What the kids don’t know won’t hurt them, in this case the fact that they don’t know the veggies are present are healthy for them.

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